Saturday, September 7, 2013


Research conducted by the Center for the Study of Social Policy has shown that certain protective factors can help improve a child's health and wellbeing.

Parents who can handle stress appropriately and thereby rebound from challenges more quickly, can parent more effectively and promote their children's healthy development. When emotional support and social connections are provided by family, friends, neighbors and community members, parents cope better with stressors. 

When food, clothing, housing and other basic needs are met, families are better able to thrive. Also, when parents have access to services and supports to ensure these needs are met, they are better able to handle a crisis when it arises.  Parents that understand basic child development based on age, to include appropriate behavior expectations, are more likely to discipline and nurture children appropriately.  When children can communicate effectively their feelings and regulate their behavior, they are better able to form positive relationships with their family, other adults and peers.

Awareness, education, prevention, these are just some of the things that we can all do to ensure that a child is safe from the evils of abuse and that a parent is receiving the support they need to be good parents.  Both contribute to productivity in society and emotional well being.

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